
Arsha Walia
2 min readMay 29, 2021


Is it the feeling of absolute defeat? Does it mean to be surrounded by darkness? Does it have to be the bottom of the financial ladder? Does it have to have one of these major cosmic meanings or can it actually be something that makes us mundane.

There is no specific definition of an abyss, in my way of thinking at least. It varies from person to person. For one person something might feel life-shattering while for the other, it might be a minor hurdle.

We all go through things we can’t talk about. That knot in your stomach is what makes you earthly; it reminds you of the perilous episodes you’ve emerged from.

An abyss is like a grave; only the dead can visit it. And we, as humans, dig our own graves. We are the ones who let ourselves enter into that bottomless chasm.

I know, we have all been there. The question is, “What comes out of the chasm we enter?”

Is it us? Or is it a new reality that wears our skin? Do we evolve from who we were or do we recede from our previous version?

I believe we change in more ways than one.

We come out as avengers, with the urgency to make a difference. We go through soo much that we realize we are invincible and have nothing to be afraid of.

We come out as ‘Dangerous’.

That abyss is like a chamber followed by a tunnel; we roam around in the nothingness of our being, and when we are on the brink of giving up — we see that light at the end of the tunnel.

That, my friends, is the moment the new, dangerous us is born. That insatiable need to rise above all presents itself and we bury the old, easy-to-manipulate fraction of us behind. That is the moment we realize our worth and we decide never to be a pawn in our own lives again.

All of us were born to be rulers, rulers of our own lives. Why do we let others decide our worth? Why can’t we ever be content?

Only I can decide who I become, no matter how many stars may align in my disfavour, no matter how many elders tell me of my worthlessness, even if the entire world conspires against me, I am the ruler of my life and I will emerge victorious.

In our moment of success and glory, we’ll remember this abyss, this bottomless chamber of possibilities and self-understanding, we’ll remember how much positive influence such a cynical word can have in your life.

